The Frame - Conversations with Ayanda Fine Art
The Frame - Conversations with Ayanda Fine Art
Moffat Takadiwa: Using Art to Confront The Colonial Hangover in Africa
Arts is not a priority in most African countries, and most art institutions are funded by foreign donors, which means they don't have the freedom to represent local artists. Consequently, taking your pieces of work to the world could be difficult without the needed support. But despite the obvious challenge, some great minds and talents are sailing through the storm with amazing pieces!
Moffat Takadiwa, our guest for today, explains how he grew his audience from Zimbabwe to the world. Moffat is a leading figure within the post-independence generation of contemporary artists in Zimbabwe and has exhibited extensively across major institutions internationally. He uses art to confront the colonial hangover using the everyday consumer residue.
Moffat takes the discarded fragments from daily life, like individual keys from computer keyboards and toothbrushes collected at the city dump outside Harare, and creates elaborate works of art. In his work, he uses the metaphysical act of creation to transform these objects, which contain the residue of Africa’s colonial history, and metamorphose them into objects of power. He explains his first experience with art, the process behind his art, the spiritual connection with his pieces of work, the role of the community in his creative work, and the challenges he had to overcome to become successful as an African artist. Tune in to learn more!
Notable quotes
- “It brings a lot of confidence as a young artist knowing that there is an audience for what you are making, and there are people who love your work.”
- “The only secret to success is hard work.”
- “The colonial governments have left residues in our systems, which is seen in our everyday consumables.”
Artworks / Exhibitions mentioned in the episode
Son of the soil
To find out about Mbare Art Space visit their website or follow them on instagram: mbareartspace
To find out about Moffat's current and upcoming exhibitions, follow him on instagram: @moffattakadiwa
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Podcast music by lizzmiri